If you always thinking about the amount you have borrowing, when it is due or what it was for can be quite tedious. To put notes on paper and in calendars makes the whole thing more confusing. The small amount of money is often forgotten over time. You could get alarmed reminder notifications easily using your Smartphone to never forget them again.
With LoanRoll Money loaning manager, it gives you personal alarm reminders and notes that help to keep track loaner and you only have to hold your hand. It will help to easily find out a person who borrows money from you. You can click the photo and you may get the purpose of the notification. After that, you can find out your contacts list see a particular person who borrows the amount from you.
LoanRoll Pro features:
• No more Ads
• Remind with ease
• Keeping track of loans
• Add Picture and Photo
• Set own reminder Time
• Send reminder over WhatsApp
• Change Background Color
Create entries that use the contacts to save loans with a due date. Due to this amazing feature, you may recollect your loans with ease. You do not even need to type lengthy descriptions of the amount youve borrowing - just upload a photo that indicates the purpose of the money you have lent, so you can recollect form them. (Eg, from the movie, the rental share or the last shopping trip). The photo gives you a visual confirmation about what happened. Be reminded on your smartphone and remind your contacts via the app functions of text messages and E-Mail! Oh, and of course, via WhatsApp!
For a use without advertising, you can unlock it by InApp purchase the full version among some other cool features.
Let us know what you like about the app (-> *****! :D ) and if we can improve something! Thanks for downloading!
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